
What Do The Turfan Depression And The Chang Jiang Basins Have In Common


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Ch 19 SS Review

Affiliate 19 Social Studies Review

Question Answer
Of all the countries in the world, what does China have? the most corporeality of people
Why did fewer people settle in Outer China than in Inner Prc? The climate was more extreme.
In Inner Red china, which natural evens improved the soil? floods
Why is the Tibet-Qinghai Plateau called the "Roof of the World"? Information technology is very high above sea level.
Why did ancient people on the Tibet-Quinghai Plateau herd yaks rather than grow crops? The region was also cold.
What made the Taklimakan Desert 1 of the most dangerous deserts in the world? sandstorms and shifting dunes
How is the Gobi Desert dissimilar from the Taklimakan Desert? pebbles cover much of the surface
How did the natural vegetation of the Northwestern Plain affect the lives of ancient settlers there? Prairie grass provided food for horses and sheep.
How did several groups of invaders from the Northwestern Obviously travel to Inner Red china? along a narrow coastal plain
Why is the North Prc Plainly sometimes called the "Land of the Yellow Earth"? Limestone silt from the Gobi Desert covers the soil.
How did the Huang He most influence settlement nearly its banks? Past fertilizing the soil, it attracted communities of farmers.
What do the Turfan Low and the Chang Jiang Basins have in common? They are both lower than many other parts of China.
Because rice requires warm, moisture weather, where did the ancient Chinese grow rice? the Chang Jiang Basins
In ancient times, what limited settlement in the Chang Jiang Basins compared with that in the Due north China Plainly? Rainforest vegetation may have limited the space for farming.
What protected Inner China from invasion from the northwest? barren deserts
Later in Chinese history, which of these geographical features made governing Red china every bit a unified state nigh difficult? its large size

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